
Prénoms bébé

679 prénoms trouvés / page: 1 sur 15 [ SUIVANTS ]
# Prénom Origine Signification Sexe Vues
18352 Aballach arthurian Father of Modron ... M 2545
18403 Accalon arthurian Lover of Morgan le ... M 867
10181 Acheflow arthurian White flower ... F 1022
10216 Ade arthurian A mistress of Lance... F 2989
18544 Aglaral arthurian Brother of Percival... M 2644
18545 Aglarale arthurian Brother of Percival... M 2627
18546 Aglaval arthurian Brother of Percival... M 2681
18547 Agravain arthurian Brother of Gawain ... M 2738
18629 Alain arthurian From Alain le Gros ... M 2270
18649 Albion arthurian Britain ... M 2594
10426 Albiona arthurian White ... F 1188
18693 Alexandre arthurian Nephew of King Mark... M 867
18696 Aleyn arthurian A Fisher king ... M 2262
18721 Alis arthurian Brother of Cliges ... M 2578
18726 Alixandre arthurian Nephew of King Mark... M 829
18844 Amr arthurian Son of Arthur ... M 863
18864 Andret arthurian King Mark's nephew ... M 775
10790 Angharad arthurian A love of Peredur ... F 2628
10791 Angharat arthurian A love of Peredur ... F 3904
10793 Anglides arthurian Mother of Alexandre... F 882
18889 Anguysh arthurian Father of Isolde ... M 2302
18892 Anir arthurian Son of Arthur ... M 947
10823 Anna arthurian Arthur's sister ... F 2397
18925 Antfortas arthurian Keeper of the grail... M 812
18933 Antor arthurian Foster father of Ar... M 2442
18950 Apollo arthurian Uncle of Tristan ... M 851
10951 Argante arthurian Name of a queen ... F 933
19065 Arthgallo arthurian High honor ... M 818
19066 Arthur arthurian Noble: courageous. ... M 749
11064 Astolat arthurian Lady of Shalott who... F 904
19159 Auctor arthurian Foster father of Ar... M 2440
19173 Augwys arthurian Brother of Lot ... M 2689
19191 Avalloc arthurian Father of Modron ... M 2266
11156 Avalon arthurian Arthur's burial pla... F 6162
11157 Avaron arthurian Arthur's burial pla... F 2268
11158 Avarona arthurian Arthur's burial pla... F 2067
11176 Avilon arthurian Arthur's burial pla... F 2256
19228 Awarnach arthurian A giant ... M 2104
19258 Bagdemagus arthurian Father of Meleagant... M 2274
19282 Baldulf arthurian A knight ... M 2076
19285 Balen arthurian Brother of Balaan ... M 2635
19289 Balin arthurian Brother of Balaan ... M 2642
19298 Ban arthurian Father of Lancelot ... M 2275
19440 Beaumains arthurian White hands ... M 805
11287 Bedegrayne arthurian Name of a castle ... F 883
19449 Bedivere arthurian Returns Excalibur t... M 796
19450 Bedver arthurian Returns Excalibur t... M 824
19451 Bedwyr arthurian Returns Excalibur t... M 745
11290 Belakane arthurian An African queen ... F 2301
19466 Bellangere arthurian Son of Alexandre ... M 770
679 prénoms trouvés / page: 1 sur 15 [ SUIVANTS ]

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